The definition of educated what it means to me is a person returning back to school to get a better and higher education. People go back to school for many reasons like some return to get their GED to get their completion for not finishing high school. That helps them in the outrun because without that GED or high school diploma these days, there’s not that many jobs out there that will hire you without those qualifications. Others go to get a higher degree to major in a certain field no matter what it takes to succeed that goal. Some go for their Associates Degree, Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree, a certificate, or more above. Educated or education also says to me that it is something you want to do to accomplish something in life than not do nothing at all. Right now I am in the Cosmetology Program to start out with. I wanted to go to school to become an Animal Technician but there was no close school near by. Plus the commute each day would be too much and leave me very little time for homework.
So I chose my second choice. I know after this program that I would like

to continue forward in school for another major as well. I am kind of
undecided at this point but I have thought about culinary school just because I love to cook. I know if I can accomplish my first task in school, then I know I will be able to pursue in anything I set my mind too. It goes for everyone else going to school if you put your mind to something you want, you will succeed in anything. If you put the time and effort into it, then you will be able to accomplish anything. Look at me. I am a full time mom, thought I would never go back to school but I am doing it. As long as I keep my high standards I set for myself, I know I can go forward with what I am here in school for today to get a better education and better job opportunity in the future that I have always wanted.

i like your jouranl enrty. You feel the same way about eduaction as i do. You wrote this very well. You are a great writer.It sounds like you are on your way to a better job. Wish you the best of luck.