Kickboxing, also known as boxing, has been around since 688 BC. It started in Greece where it was an event in Ancient Olympic Games. Even though kickboxing was going on, the United States didn’t know about it until the 1800’s. Since then Americans have overcome and conquered the sport throughout the years. It just shows that kickboxing is awell known sport
meaning it is very physical and takes technique to get it down. It requires a certain stance, punches, kicking, and it gives you some techniques of self-defense. Kickboxing is a fun workout,
used in the form of aerobics with kickboxing in it. You can also use the bags to just practice You’re kicking and punching techniques as well too. You should try it sometime. Learning kickboxing is fun, and it benefits your health in so many ways in the long run.

First I am going to tell you how to stand in kickboxing, which is known as the stance. Kickboxing has different moves and combination moves used for the basic stance. Just to let you know it never changes. The front and side stance is used for all movement used in kickboxing throughout your workout. While doing your workout after every move you always will come back to the same stance to move forward to the next. Let me tell you how to do it. Keep your elbows bent with your fists in front of your chin. Feet should be shoulder width apart with front foot pointing at angle. Tighten abdominal muscles and lean slightly forward. Rotate to perform a right or left hand-fighting stance. Whichever punch you throw always follows with some foot technique with it. Your rear foot will always point outward and your lead foot will always point forward. Then just stay on the balls of your feet and you would have just done the basic stance for boxing.

Next I want to tell you about what kind of punches are used in kickboxing. You can use a jab, cross, hook, or uppercut for either side depending if you are starting in the right stance or the left. It also depends on if your right-handed or left because that will determine what stance you will be in. To throw a basic punch turn head to slight angle, and lean body to whatever side your attacker is coming from. You will dodge the punch then. Duck head using hands to cover face. When you move your body to left or right from the punch you will have a better defense position. The best way to block a punch or hit from your attacker is to avoid all contact by ducking from he punch. When you do that it will save you from any oncoming damage from the other attacker. Plus it causes the other fighter to get tired faster because he is throwing punches that aren’t hitting you. So it causes more energy to be used and lost. By practicing the techniques used for punches you could get them down in matter of time.

Then there are also a variety of kicks used in boxing. You can use the front kick, back kick, sidekick, round house kick, and front kick back kick. They also use knee jabs and knee blocks as well. The front kick you always use your front leg, which is also known, as your lead. Along with the back kick except you shift your body turning the opposite direction kicking behind you. Side kicks you turn your body to the side, using your front leg again for this kick, lean a little as you kick your opponent. A front kick back kick is where you use your back leg kicking forward using your hips and pelvis to follow through with your kick. A knee block is usually used to blocking your opponent’s attack while the knee jab is the opposite. I believe that the kicks are the easiest to learn because all you do is kick. It can be tricky when you throw in a couple kicks and put them together but when you get them down you feel like you accomplished

Now the benefits you get from it. It improves three parts. Your cardio respiratory, body composition, and your skeletal system. The Cardio respiratory benefits would be increase heart efficiency, circulation, increases high lipoprotein, may lower blood pressure, and slow artersiosolerosis. For your body it reduces body fat, increases muscle mass, and slows the
age related process down. Skeletal benefits would consist of increase joint range, improve Muscular strength, increase bone density, and the flow of synovial fluid to the joints. I think it also challenges your mind and body as it builds your self-esteem up and teaches you self-defense. Also it’s a good stress relief. All you got do is go to the bag and take your frustration out on that with some kicks and punches. It really works.

As you can see, kickboxing has a lot of benefits but it also takes your time and effort to make those benefits benifienary. So when you put your mind to something you really want, keep it up because it can lead to good things. To summarize it all up, now you know the basics on how to stand in boxing, how to punch properly with the proper stance along with all the different punches, how to kick with force using your lower body strength and what the benefits are you out of it. I just hope you enjoyed it and learned something from it as well. Now you have learned and know how to do kickboxing. Maybe you should try it sometime. Who knows you may just find yourself liking it.
Very nice! You explained kickboxing very clearly and u did a great job on it. I didn't know it has been around since 688 BC. Thats was forever ago. Anyways great job and keep up the good work.