The journal piece I chose was journal 10 call "Skeleton 2." I wrote this journal on February 4th, 2010 and the assignment was to choose from four topics our choice. Once I chose a topic, we just filled in the missing spots that were missing from the story due to some being there already. I like to be creative and make up my own stories every now and then. That’s why I picked this particular piece. It gives a different perspective in my writing. I also added some photos from the websites
http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/mountain-views.html,%20Http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/mountain-scenery.html,%20and Http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/people-hiking.html. What strengths it shows are being descriptive, adding a little drama/ action, and tells a story as well. For example, "Kevin and Sasha walked along the path heading up the mountain slowly enjoying the scenery of beauty." That is my lead in to the story as I try to give you, the reader, a feel on what the story is going to be a little about along with a visual.
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