I just wanted to thank everyone for taking there time to view my work. It means alot to me to know that others are taking interest in my writing. As you can see, I have added a variety of different pieces in my portfolio to show my readers how much I have grown in my work. I have also uploaded some photos of my children and fiance because family is important to me. I have also included some other photos from websites as well as some other photos from my computer. The website I got this photo from was Http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=conclusion+photos. My kids are what give me my motivation to come to school each day as well as my fiance is very supportive of me. Also I have added the song/video "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus from Youtube. I picked that song due to school being a challenge for me and it can only get better by moving on. So like the song says It's the Climb." I believe my education is the climb to becoming something I want to be, and by taking this on to pursue my dream in what I need to do to do that. Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed reading my portfolio.
I realy like your whole portfolio. Your papers are well writen. I like the one about kick boxing the best. it was very detailed. Your kids are cute. The wild waves entry sounds like it was fun. i think my fravortie was the journal entry about eduaction. It sounds like very seruios aboput your eduaction. As am i