Table of Contents
My Dear Reader Letter

Hello! My name is Cynthia. I am currently attending school for the Cosmetology Program and going for my Associate’s Degree. I was a little nervous to come back to school since I haven't been in schoool for 8 years now. I thought it might be a challenge wondering if I would even do well or not. Well I can honestly say, yes it has been. It's not easy going to school full time, being a full time mom, and having to make time to do homework on top of it. By taking this step on choosing to go back to school, I know I will be helping myself to get a better education, and to pursue in whatever direction I decide to go from there. I have a wonderful family with two beautiful girls and a loving fiance. I have a daughter named Emily, which is two years old and Vicky, that is nine months old. They are a handful but I love them so much. I have always been a very outgoing, compassionate, couragous, and a loving person. I have always had the heart to help people as well. I used to be a NAC until it got hard on my back. I sure do miss doing that though. The people you take care of you grow a relationship with them and

I am currently in English 97 and what I like about it is I have always loved to put my time and effort into my writing. I love writing especially when it becomes being creative. I also love writing poems and free writing occasionally, but who has time to do that now with a busy schedule these days. My dislikes about the writing process I would have to say would be looking at a piece I don’t like or reading a book then responding about what I have read in writing. I don’t mind having open discussion but when I have to put it in words, it takes a little more thought and time in it. My educational goals are to get a better degree, a higher education to make something of myself, and to accomplish school to pursue a better career in life. I always wanted to come back to school but never had the time or knew when to take that step. My life has always been involved around my kids mostly. They would take a lot of time due to them needing my attention quite often. Now that I am back in school though, it has made me a better person making me feel more reliable and feel more confident of myself. Even though my life is quite busy with two kids, I know I can accomplish anything as long as I put my mind two it and go forward from there.

Next I will tell you my strength and weaknesses in writing. My strong points when I first started this class would be making sure my work was turned in on time, being organized, and being creative. My weaknesses would be punctuating in the right spot, the grammar part and choosing different word choices. How I would say I have grown during this quarter would be learning new writing techniques on how to format a MWA, to be more descriptive in my writing, and to be more confident on letting others read my work. I never really enjoyed that part, but when I heard my group members give me feedback on my paper, it made me feel good because it wasn’t negative just suggestions they had. By taking English 97 I have learned that writing is something you express, something you share with your reader and something you put your effort into doing. I believe I have done that by writing my three MWA’S showing how much I have improved in my writing skills and ability that I can do it. As long as I follow through with what I have learned in English 97, then I know I will be able to succeed on where ever direction I shall go.

The five pieces I choose to put in my E-Portfolio are my three MWA papers, and two journal pieces. I choose my process essay on "How to Learn Kickboxing," because I love doing kickboxing, its valuable imformation if you want to learn some self-defense and a good work out. Also I choose my discriptive essay on "Wallace Falls," because it is such a beautiful place to just get away for the day. Next I choose my narrative essay on "Time We Went to Wildwaves," because that was a memorable moment that I experienced with my daughter Emily. Then I choose my Journal 2 "Educated," because education is important to me and thats why I am in school today to get a higher education. Finally, I choose my Journal 10 "Skeleton 2," because I wanted to give my readers a different setting with some dilogue and a story plot. So I hope by giving you a feel on why I choose my main pieces for my E-Portfolio hopefully caught your interest on wanting to read on and learn why I decided to pick these pieces.
Introduction to How to Learn Kickboxing

How to Learn Kickboxing

meaning it is very physical and takes technique to get it down. It requires a certain stance, punches, kicking, and it gives you some techniques of self-defense. Kickboxing is a fun workout,
used in the form of aerobics with kickboxing in it. You can also use the bags to just practice You’re kicking and punching techniques as well too. You should try it sometime. Learning kickboxing is fun, and it benefits your health in so many ways in the long run.


age related process down. Skeletal benefits would consist of increase joint range, improve Muscular strength, increase bone density, and the flow of synovial fluid to the joints. I think it also challenges your mind and body as it builds your self-esteem up and teaches you self-defense. Also it’s a good stress relief. All you got do is go to the bag and take your frustration out on that with some kicks and punches. It really works.

As you can see, kickboxing has a lot of benefits but it also takes your time and effort to make those benefits benifienary. So when you put your mind to something you really want, keep it up because it can lead to good things. To summarize it all up, now you know the basics on how to stand in boxing, how to punch properly with the proper stance along with all the different punches, how to kick with force using your lower body strength and what the benefits are you out of it. I just hope you enjoyed it and learned something from it as well. Now you have learned and know how to do kickboxing. Maybe you should try it sometime. Who knows you may just find yourself liking it.
Introduction to Wallace Falls

Wallace Falls

Hiking up the mountain to Wallace Falls in Goldbar, WA, is such a beautiful and peaceful walk. The scenery starts out with a path you follow until you hit the entrance into the trees, leading you on a new adventure. As you enter the path, you get a full glimpse of trees everywhere, the river right beside you, water rushing
and the nature that just brings out all its natural scenery. The sound of the rushing water from the river is quiet and relaxing that just puts your mind at ease. The trees are staggering tall as they tower above your head as you look above not being able to see the sky in some parts. The little creek slowly goes down the windy path as they inch towards the river bedding.

The birds fly around gracefully as they make lovely sounds talking to one another so softly that it puts a smile upon your face. You see little squirrels run about as they wander from tree to tree seeing who can find the first nut. Other than that, you don’t see much of any other wildlife roaming around. Throughout
the hike, you see three huge, gorgeous waterfalls that just take your breath away. All three waterfalls view is just heartwarming and is such an exquisite sight to see because you’re standing right in front of the waterfall’s nice view watching the water tumble down. The white flowing water from the waterfalls just comes down with such force over the side of the rock ridge that it is kind of exciting to watch as the rushing water goes into the river below to travel to its next destination.
As the water gradually glistens your face and the mist blows from the falling waterfall, it reminds you of a light spring shower. The overall hike is magnificent but seeing the true beauty of what nature and its surroundings bring make it well worth the time taking that long hike up there and that journey back down.

The birds fly around gracefully as they make lovely sounds talking to one another so softly that it puts a smile upon your face. You see little squirrels run about as they wander from tree to tree seeing who can find the first nut. Other than that, you don’t see much of any other wildlife roaming around. Throughout

Introduction to Journal 2: Educated

Journal 2: Educated

So I chose my second choice. I know after this program that I would like

to continue forward in school for another major as well. I am kind of
undecided at this point but I have thought about culinary school just because I love to cook. I know if I can accomplish my first task in school, then I know I will be able to pursue in anything I set my mind too. It goes for everyone else going to school if you put your mind to something you want, you will succeed in anything. If you put the time and effort into it, then you will be able to accomplish anything. Look at me. I am a full time mom, thought I would never go back to school but I am doing it. As long as I keep my high standards I set for myself, I know I can go forward with what I am here in school for today to get a better education and better job opportunity in the future that I have always wanted.

Introduction to Time We Went to Wildwaves

Time We Went to Wildwaves

It was the long wait for getting in the park that took the longest. The line was so enormous that it ventured into the parking lot winding off to the side. There had to be at least 100 or more people waiting just to get into the park that day. After 15 minutes of waiting in the line, it gradually started moving forward. As people went through the entryway to the park, people ventured off everywhere heading into all different directions. That’s where the journey began. We followed the path to the rides, walking down a hill and around to go to the kid rides. Emily got to ride on the carousel, the boat ride, a car ride, and slide down a long yellow slide. She rode the carousel first.

As dad put her on, she looked undecided. She sat in a white and green boat called the Miss Scarlet, and right as the ride started to move she wanted out instantly. She stood up tall trying to get out, as she screamed at the top of her lungs for dad and mom. Her face was beet red and tears came tumbling down her face. Dad went in and comforted her, so she really didn’t care that much for that ride. Afterwards, we walked the long path back up the hill from the rides and came to the water area in the kid’s section. Emily enjoyed the water slides and was brave enough to go down them by herself. The excitement on her face when she splashed in the water is what made it so worth it. I had joined her as we splashed one another, and she chased after me. Emily giggled and kept saying, "Come on Mommy. Come on."
At this time Emily was only 18 months old. A few hours past and we were all hungry. Dad said, "Come on Emily, as soon as you eat, you can come back and play."

So we headed to our car to go get something to eat. We pulled up the hatch to our Ford Explorer and pulled out the cooler. We called it our little picnic. We had sandwiches, chips, coleslaw, and potato salad. After we were done eating, Emily eventually fell asleep after a long day of fun. She was exhausted, and I didn’t dare to wake her. So we cleaned up, got the car loaded, and got ready to head back home on that unforgettable drive. That’s what made it so special. Sharing it with one another made it worth the time put into it and the effort to make it happen just to see my daughter Emily’s reaction when we took her to Wildwaves.
Introduction to Journal 10: Skeleton 2

Journal 10: Skeleton 2

Kevin and Sasha walked along the path heading up the mountain slowly enjoying the scenery of beauty. As the hot sun blares down upon them Kevin says, "Wow, this is so beautiful. I haven’t been up here since I was a kid."
They walked a ways up the long steep trail when Sasha replied, "I know, it’s kind of creepy to me because I haven’t been up here ever since. Never mind."
"Never mind what;" Kevin replied, "are you alright."
"Never mind what;" Kevin replied, "are you alright."
Sasha frantically looked around hoping for a way out but looked at him with tears in her eyes and said sadly, "I never told anyone this what I am about to tell you. My father murdered my mother."
As they walked the windy trail she spilled out how her father, her mother, and her once took this hike before about a year ago. It was all there first time going out hiking as a family she recalled. It was a partly sunny day and everything was going great as planned so she thought. Then she blurted out again sobbing; "My father did murder my mother. I saw it with my own eyes and then he covered it up saying it was accidental."
Kevin was so shocked he didn’t know what to say. He just stood there with this blank stare not knowing what to do next. When he finally came around he said to Sasha, "Oh, are you sure he did. How should I no you’re telling me the truth or even lying to me to try to scare me."
All upset, she shoved him knocking him backwards making him lose his foot balance. There he went landing on the ground. When Kevin caught up, he noticed she was sitting on a rock sobbing even harder more. He then felt bad and reached out to hold her near when she jumped up. They ran behind a big bush to hide as she said, "Listen for a minute! I think someone is coming."
They crouched behind the bushes as they heard the cracking of debris from the footsteps drawing near. It was her father with this look in his eye she remembered from before when her mom died. He carried something in his right hand. As he shifted his body you saw full view what he had. It was a wooden axe. Kevin looked at Sasha then said, "It’s not me he is probably after or my problem. I’m out of here."
"Don’t be stupid Kevin. If he knows you have seen him or even thinks you know what happened. Who knows what he can be capable of," said Sasha.
But it was too late. They realized he had spotted them. They both stood up scared and started to run the other way frantically. They ran as fast as they could when her father said, "You’re gonna be sorry if I catch you two."
Kevin and Sasha started screaming for help but it seemed like they were so far away lost in the middle of nowhere. You could hear his footsteps drawing near. They ran faster and faster. They soon lost him but for how long. Sasha stopped cold-blooded staring at this big boulder near the lake. She replied, "That’s where he buried her. It is pretty sad that I still know that. I think we should keep moving just for safety. Let’s get out of here."
Then out of no where her father came grabbing Kevin from behind. They wrestled around in the dirt and before I knew it, Kevin was decapitated. She went to run when he grabbed her hair, pulled her to the ground, and pinned her. She tried to get free but all she did was make herself more tired from getting nowhere. He said, "You’re just like your mother. I should have done you just like I did with her."
She tried to get free herself once more but had no luck. Right when she was about to give up all hope and accept her fate. She heard a load bang as her dad fell over onto the ground. He lied there lifeless as she stared down upon him. A local man ran over, whom shot her father, and asked Sasha if she was ok.She said, "I am now and I can rest at piece knowing my father won’t hurt me anymore."
She then gave him her thanks as they walked back down to go to the ranger’s office. Through the year they became friends and then eventually started dating. They never knew this is how they would meet or start there lives with one another. Two years had past and they eventually got married, had two girls, and lived happily ever after.

I just wanted to thank everyone for taking there time to view my work. It means alot to me to know that others are taking interest in my writing. As you can see, I have added a variety of different pieces in my portfolio to show my readers how much I have grown in my work. I have also uploaded some photos of my children and fiance because family is important to me. I have also included some other photos from websites as well as some other photos from my computer. The website I got this photo from was Http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=conclusion+photos. My kids are what give me my motivation to come to school each day as well as my fiance is very supportive of me. Also I have added the song/video "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus from Youtube. I picked that song due to school being a challenge for me and it can only get better by moving on. So like the song says It's the Climb." I believe my education is the climb to becoming something I want to be, and by taking this on to pursue my dream in what I need to do to do that. Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed reading my portfolio.
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